
Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to our glossary page.
Yes, refer to our terms of use page.
There are five primary reasons why some some injuries are not shown.
  1. Our cutoff date for injuries is January 1, 2000. Any injuries that occurred prior to that date are not catalogued in the system. This date has been chosen to reflect advancements in medicine, both from a surgical and rehabilitation standpoint.
  2. Our data pool is refreshed every two days. An injury that recently occurred might not be added until the next data refresh.
  3. Our injury data source
    Pro Sports Transactions
    sometimes reports injuries as DTD injuries when a player is out for far longer. Due to this, we are selective in which DTD injuries we include in our data pool. If we were to include all of them, there would thousands more injuries in our data pool with most of them being minuscule injuries like "Illness" or "Sore Knee." However, sometimes a serious injury slips through and does not make it through our valid DTD injury screening process.
  4. Similarly to the DTD injuries, we run all injuries through a validation process to ensure they are legitimate injuries. This is done to reduce the number of miniscule injuries as previously mentioned. This process is is not fool proof and sometimes it incorrectly marks a valid injury as an invalid one, which means it is ignored. The sole criteria that an injury must meet to pass this validation process is that the player missed at least 1 game due to injury. Once this threshold is met, the injury is added to our data pool during our next data refresh.
  5. Maybe we flat out missed the injury!
In any case, we strive to have the most accurate and up to date information as possible. If you cannot find an injury that you know occurred, please go through our submitting an injury process or feel free to contact us if you have the time.
As our data refresh process is fully automated, it is possible that some unknown miscalculations are present. If you notice any information on a page that you believe is incorrect, click on the icon in the upper right to directly report that page or feel free to contact us if that page does not have a report flag.
Why can I select more than 82 games when viewing player's stats pre and post injury?
All calculations that go into any metric take into account all regular season, play in, and playoff games played during a given season. Pre season games are not included.
If you see a CRR value as -, there are 2 reasons why no numeric value is present:
  1. The player has yet to return from injury. Since there are no post injury stats to compare against the pre injury stats, no CRR can be calculated.
  2. We are unable to fully retrieve the necessary data from NBA.com that is used to calculate CRR. For example, the CRR for this LeBron James hamstring injury is empty. This is due to NBA.com not having any data available for certain stat types. In this case, we are unable to retrieve
    LeBron's 2012-13 advanced playoff box score
    which is a necessity when computing CRR.
Why do certain pre and post injury stats keep showing errors?
Similarly to why some CRR values are blank, when our stats data source, NBA.com, does not have certain box scores available, we are unable to display any pre / post injury statistics. For example, trying to retrieve
LeBron's 2012-13 advanced playoff box score
will throw an error due to our stats data source not having any data listed for that requested box scores.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to our glossary page.
Yes, refer to our terms of use page.
There are five primary reasons why some some injuries are not shown.
  1. Our cutoff date for injuries is January 1, 2000. Any injuries that occurred prior to that date are not catalogued in the system. This date has been chosen to reflect advancements in medicine, both from a surgical and rehabilitation standpoint.
  2. Our data pool is refreshed every two days. An injury that recently occurred might not be added until the next data refresh.
  3. Our injury data source
    Pro Sports Transactions
    sometimes reports injuries as DTD injuries when a player is out for far longer. Due to this, we are selective in which DTD injuries we include in our data pool. If we were to include all of them, there would thousands more injuries in our data pool with most of them being minuscule injuries like "Illness" or "Sore Knee." However, sometimes a serious injury slips through and does not make it through our valid DTD injury screening process.
  4. Similarly to the DTD injuries, we run all injuries through a validation process to ensure they are legitimate injuries. This is done to reduce the number of miniscule injuries as previously mentioned. This process is is not fool proof and sometimes it incorrectly marks a valid injury as an invalid one, which means it is ignored. The sole criteria that an injury must meet to pass this validation process is that the player missed at least 1 game due to injury. Once this threshold is met, the injury is added to our data pool during our next data refresh.
  5. Maybe we flat out missed the injury!
In any case, we strive to have the most accurate and up to date information as possible. If you cannot find an injury that you know occurred, please go through our submitting an injury process or feel free to contact us if you have the time.
As our data refresh process is fully automated, it is possible that some unknown miscalculations are present. If you notice any information on a page that you believe is incorrect, click on the icon in the upper right to directly report that page or feel free to contact us if that page does not have a report flag.
Why can I select more than 82 games when viewing player's stats pre and post injury?
All calculations that go into any metric take into account all regular season, play in, and playoff games played during a given season. Pre season games are not included.
If you see a CRR value as -, there are 2 reasons why no numeric value is present:
  1. The player has yet to return from injury. Since there are no post injury stats to compare against the pre injury stats, no CRR can be calculated.
  2. We are unable to fully retrieve the necessary data from NBA.com that is used to calculate CRR. For example, the CRR for this LeBron James hamstring injury is empty. This is due to NBA.com not having any data available for certain stat types. In this case, we are unable to retrieve
    LeBron's 2012-13 advanced playoff box score
    which is a necessity when computing CRR.
Why do certain pre and post injury stats keep showing errors?
Similarly to why some CRR values are blank, when our stats data source, NBA.com, does not have certain box scores available, we are unable to display any pre / post injury statistics. For example, trying to retrieve
LeBron's 2012-13 advanced playoff box score
will throw an error due to our stats data source not having any data listed for that requested box scores.