

Recovery rating generated for each injury. CRR aims to be the prime indicator of how well or poorly a player recovers from an injury. CRR scores range from 0-10, with 0 being the poorest recovery, 5 being an average recovery, and 10 being the most exceptional. The CRR calculation compares a multitude of pre and post injury metrics to generate its final score. The following metrics are taken into consideration:
  • Defensive Rating
  • Game Score
  • Offensive Rating
  • True Shooting Percentage
  • Turnover Percentage
The number of games played prior to an injury in the same season. For example, Steph Curry broke his left hand 4 games into the 19-20 season. This means that the games played before this injury is 3 as the game in which the player got hurt in is not counted towards this total. Regular season, play in, and post season games are all taken into consideration.
The number of games played after an injury in the same season. For example, Steph Curry broke his left hand at the start of the 19-20 season and returned to play 1 game. This means that the games played after this injury is 1. Regular season, play in, and post season games are all taken into consideration.
How long a player took from day of injury to first game back. Regular season, play in, and post season games are all taken into consideration.


Recovery rating generated for each injury. CRR aims to be the prime indicator of how well or poorly a player recovers from an injury. CRR scores range from 0-10, with 0 being the poorest recovery, 5 being an average recovery, and 10 being the most exceptional. The CRR calculation compares a multitude of pre and post injury metrics to generate its final score. The following metrics are taken into consideration:
  • Defensive Rating
  • Game Score
  • Offensive Rating
  • True Shooting Percentage
  • Turnover Percentage
The number of games played prior to an injury in the same season. For example, Steph Curry broke his left hand 4 games into the 19-20 season. This means that the games played before this injury is 3 as the game in which the player got hurt in is not counted towards this total. Regular season, play in, and post season games are all taken into consideration.
The number of games played after an injury in the same season. For example, Steph Curry broke his left hand at the start of the 19-20 season and returned to play 1 game. This means that the games played after this injury is 1. Regular season, play in, and post season games are all taken into consideration.
How long a player took from day of injury to first game back. Regular season, play in, and post season games are all taken into consideration.